Hello again from Seoul in ever changing April mood. The weather is unpredictable and is changing from summery warm to rainy and cold and back. But that's April, right, so no complaints about that. We had that before with me going on about the weather and that did not help much!
Instead I can share again my love for all these shops and stalls I can find here around our appartment house. We are living in a high rise right now until the ship with our container arrives and we can move into our house. I never lived in a high rise before and I love the view, especially at nighttime with all the city lights!
The streets are lined with lanterns in preparation of Buddha's birthday on the 10th of may. There will be also a huge lantern festival. I cannot wait to see this. Last time I saw the procession for Buddha's birthday I was in Sri Lanka on my honeymoon and it was magical to see all these lights and lanterns and the beautifully dressed people.
To the shops: In this area, where a lot of art galleries are located you find a lot of shops selling paper, brushes and ink and stamps to make art. I have always been a fan of these red stamps and I think now is the time to look out for one for each of us, being in this surrounding.
I can already imagine the letters to be sent and the scrapbooking pages and diary pages to be altered wiith a stamp like this. The hard part will be to chose the size and style...
Aren"t these beauties just amazing?
And these brushes - I could go to this shop every day. (And I do, because it is at the corner of our house and George is always sniffing the wooden pencils, remember?)
And then the sick child: Pauline is fine now and Moritz had ear ache for two days and today there was liquid running out of his ear. So we went to see the doctor nearby and found out that is was not only a flue but a severe ear infection plus tonsillitis. So antibiotics and bed rest for a few days. And everybody who knows our son knows that NOT moving is the worst for him. But the good of it: Another experience to grow and get to know the city. The doctor was so nice and we felt in good hands.
For me it means less ramblings around town and time to start some Easter crafts. pauline is so keen on making origami rabbits that I bought a batch of paper so she can start. And I will work dilligently on my little monthly diary I have been neglecting during the move!
Wishing you a wonderful day and take care!
hi ,ich schau mir schon lange deine fotos auf flickr an und bewundere deinen einrichtungsstil.jetzt bin ich mal richtig gespannt wie du euer neues haus einrichtest.(der kalligraphie laden ist ja wohl der kracher)l.g.susanne
Posted by: susanne | Wednesday, 20 April 2011 at 15:06
Liebe Yvonne,
schön, dass es euch schon gut in eurer neuen Heimat gefällt. Ich beneide dich um deine Freude, immer wieder an anderen Orten der Welt zu leben. Meine Mann wäre glücklich, wenn ich nur ein bisschen was davon hätte :). Hast du Tipps ;)?
Die Geschäfte sehen ja herrlich aus!
Ich wünsche deinem Sohn von Herzen gute Besserung und euch allen ein wunderbares Osterfest.
Liebe Grüße, Nadine
Posted by: Nadine | Thursday, 21 April 2011 at 00:36
Liebe Nadine! Vielen vielen Dank fuer die guten Wuensche! Moritz geht es schon viel besser Dank Antibiotika und er musste gleich schon wieder zum Kiosk und seine geliebten Mentos Fruit kaufen - so schlimm kann es ihm also nicht gehen...
Zum Reisefieber: Ich glaube, das steckt in einem drin - ich war schon immer so und es war dann Glueck, dass wir zwei Reisewuetige uns gefunden haben. Mein Tipp: Nicht auf ausgetretenen Wegen gehen, sondern die Seitenstrassen und sich immer wieder viel mit Auslaendern unterhalten und mit Leuten, die schon im Ausland gelebt haben - das macht dann Lust darauf, sich auch damit zu beschaeftigen.
Liebe Gruesse uns schoene Ostern!
Posted by: Yvonne Stehle | Thursday, 21 April 2011 at 13:04
Yvonne my dear,
I'm so happy for you!...don't actually know the reason why, but somehow feel that it is going to be (and already is!) such a marvelous experience for you!
I've never been to the East, but feel so attracted to their culture. My boyfriend spent about 3 weeks travelling around there during February with his best friend.
I flew to Greece for two weeks instead, as I was homesick and dealing with extreme physical & mental tiredness. I' am step by step feeling better and was so incredibly happy to receive your wonderful present.
Thank you!
Wishes for a happy Easter to you, all three kids, your husband and of course, George!
My "get well soon wishes" to your little guy who 'd rather not be in bed ;)
Liebste Grüsse,
Posted by: Iro {Ivy} | Friday, 22 April 2011 at 05:40
Dear Iro! Hope you are feeling better now! I know how this tiredness of body and mind can be! The little envelope I sent you was just a small Thank you! for your letter before... Happy you are back and hope to see more of you on Flickr now again!
Posted by: Yvonne Stehle | Friday, 22 April 2011 at 08:18
Liebe Yvonne,
nun ist es doch tatsächlich passiert - ihr seid abgereist und wir haben uns nicht mehr gesehen. Naja, dann gibt es eben keinen Abschied sondern nur ein Wiedersehen; das ist doch auch gut!
Ich hoffe, es geht euch super gut und ihr geniesst die neuen Eindrücke!
Wir denken an euch und ich werde wieder reinschauen...:)
Alles Liebe aus der alten Heimat beim Tschorn um die Ecke,
Posted by: Julia | Monday, 25 April 2011 at 06:07
I am looking for years for such a original red stamp, we don't have that in europe.It seems that I like all the things in that shop.
Posted by: ellen | Monday, 16 January 2012 at 09:52