Good morning Seoul, here we are!
The benefits of having a dog to walk every morning is -next to the improvement of your health- the possibility of endlessly roaming the neighbourhood. And if you have a Basset Hound like ours you are mostly standing and watching whilst he is sniffling around his new territory. And because you are a slow walker then, more a promeneur, you see more!
For example when he takes you to the stalls where they are selling wooden pencils loking like cut little christmas trees
the place where we are staying in our temporary appartment is in the middle of Seoul, called Insadong. This area is famous for their art galleries and food stalls. it is a walkable neighbourhood and I love it in the morning when the streets are deserted. That changes a lot over the day and during rush hour (I mean pedestrian rush hour in this case) you cannot pass with a dog on your leash easily.
I also love it at nighttime, when the food vendors are out on the street in their little tents and also the numerous fortune tellers in tents lining the streets. I will try and take some pictures at nighttime. it is such a special atmosphere!
1. Gallery in Insadong, 2. Insadong, 3. Insadong Cafe, 4. Insadong Side Street, 5. Insadong - "lovebirds", 6. Insadong Brushes, 7. Insadong Jongi, 8. Insadong, 9. Birdies
On the second day we explored our neighborhood where we chose to live for the next couple of years. It is a 15 to 20 minutes drive from where we are now up into the hillier part of Seoul. You would not think being in Seoul after all seing the winding streets, lush gardens and parks if it were not for the glimpse through the trees and over the hills to the incredible skyline of this magacity!
The children refused to eat anything Asian that day. But in a city like this - like in any megalopolis - this is no problem at all. Pizza, handmade was the wish and we found one of these cool little places where they focus just on the essentials: Handmade Pizza, freshly brewed coffe, nothing else. The quality was so good and what is better that sharing a super thin fresh pizza with loved ones...
And you can bet I liked the place with its concrete, wood and metal finishings in its reduced design!
Because of our super long dog and our three blonde children, we are often looked at and approached to get into contact. beeing born in Istanbul and having been brought up in Istanbul and Mexico City this poses no problem for all of us. We are used to getting into contact easily and also think it is normal, that people touch each other or stroking children's hair. That was a thing most of our visitors had to get used to in Istanbul - people connect and are very affective and caring and the Germans normally do not want their children be touched by foreigners.
There was school out time in Seongbuk-do and so Pauline and Jakob immediately got into contact with some local school girls. We all tried to pronounce each others names but unfortunately we are not that far into the language to master this! I have to go to university to take a language course soon!!!
Sunday was time for the nearby Samcheong-dong: old traditional houses mixed with super new galleries and shops and cafes in concrete and fancy design. it is a great mix and so different to any other place I've been.
What I like most is that all these areas are walkable. Nothing new for Europeand but it might be new for some Americans who sometimes do everything by car and do not have a life on the sidewalk in some places.
I was not in a photo taking mood so I uploaded a mosaic from Flickr and immediately recognized the mood of it: it was like the pictures i uploaded into mosaics before I moved here and I cannot believe the NOW and THEN of it! I AM actually here and it is all very exiting!
1. 차마시는뜰 Cha Masineun Tteul / Seoul, Korea, 2. seoul, 3. Untitled, 4. surrealism, 5. {January 24} coffee shop, 6. Panini & Coffee, 7. jamkodae means sleep-talking in korean., 8. *, 9. *, 10. Samcheong Dong Area, 11. Samcheong Dong Area, 12. Samcheong Dong Area, 13. bread & jam, 14. Paper Lanterns, 15. On the hillside in Bukchon Village, Seoul, 16. 단풍, 17. Untitled, 18. 牆, 19. FIS Samcheong-dong, 20. samcheong-dong, 21. samcheong-dong, 22. samcheong-dong, 23. Samcheong-dong, 24. FIS Samcheong, 25. -
Don't you just love the mix and match of old and new, modern and traditional? I do!
wie spannend das alles ist...
seid ganz lieb gegrüßt aus der ollen heide! ;)
Posted by: nic {luzia pimpinella} | Monday, 18 April 2011 at 15:52
Nic - ganz viele Gruesse zurueck in die olle Heide! Im Sommer sind wir wieder zu Besuch!
Halt die Ohren steif! Yvonne
PS: Wohin geht es dieses Mal in den Urlaub bei Euch Globetrottern?
Posted by: Yvonne Stehle | Monday, 18 April 2011 at 16:56
How exciting and fun for you and your family!
Posted by: Benita | Monday, 18 April 2011 at 17:46
Hello Benita!
You are also heading for a new adventure! All the best for your move and have fun decorating the new house! I will follow your progress!
Posted by: Yvonne Stehle | Monday, 18 April 2011 at 17:56
I was so excited to see these photos and to read everything! I'm learning about my heritage more from you than anyone else lately. So strange! lol. My aunt described Seoul to me as dirty dirty smog but looking at your photos.. it's beautiful. Maybe she has lived there too long. ;p
Posted by: ChantaleP | Monday, 18 April 2011 at 19:01
Wish you the very best in Seoul, I haven't been in quite some time (I'm Korean) and the lovely shots are bringing back so much. Hope your kids settle in nicely.
Posted by: Sara | Tuesday, 19 April 2011 at 05:07
how exciting! You have lived in so many wonderful places! What does your husband do for a livign that you are able to move around and live in different countries? Your kids are lucky to grow up like this!
xo vivian
Posted by: vivian | Tuesday, 19 April 2011 at 08:14
Hallo :) ich bin zufällig hier angelandet und überrascht dass du (wenn ich dutzen darf:))in Korea wohnst...
Wie schön... ich komme aus SüdKorea(Busan, südlich Korea) und wohne in Köln :)
Da ich moment sehr viel Heimweh im Kopf habe, bin sehr sicher dass ich jedentag deine Seite besuchen werde :)!!!!
Have fun in Korea! 안녕!
Posted by: miya | Tuesday, 19 April 2011 at 22:42
Hi Vivian!
My husband is in the automotive business and specialized in running companies abroad, far away from their haedquarters
Posted by: Yvonne Stehle | Tuesday, 19 April 2011 at 22:56
Miya! das ist aber nett, dass Du Dich hier meldest! Wir haben es ganz schoen hier! Ich hoffe, Dein Heimweh ist nicht so schlimm! Ich sende Dir liebe Gruesse von hier und freue mich, wenn Du ab und zu mal vorbei schaust!
Posted by: Yvonne Stehle | Tuesday, 19 April 2011 at 22:59
Chantale - I can relate to that what your aunt is telling you! But like in Germany, Mexico or Istanbul I try to avoid these places where it is not so nice and just focus on the beautiful things! I am happy to share this with you and glad we met on the internet through your initiative!
Posted by: Yvonne Stehle | Wednesday, 20 April 2011 at 21:19
Liebe Yvonne, total doof, dass wir es nicht mehr geschafft haben, uns vor deiner Abreise zu treffen. Wie ich sehe, bist du aber gut angekommen! Spannend! Ich werde mir heute abend alles ganz genau angucken :) Viele Grüße and a big hug - aus Chester, New Jersey.
Posted by: Frau Mayer | Wednesday, 20 April 2011 at 23:58
Liebe Alina!
ja, das war bloed, aber bei uns ging es dann noch die letzte Woche drunter und drueber mit Paulines Not-OP und diesem sturen Hund, der sich immer den verband abgemacht hat... Ende Juni bin ich aber schon wieder in Lueneburg und dann klappt es ja vielleicht. Sind die Buecher wenigstens angekommen? Habe sie noch hastig am letzten Tag zusammengepackt...
Liebe Gruesse und viel Spass in den USA!
Posted by: Yvonne Stehle | Thursday, 21 April 2011 at 13:01
So good to hear you are all well and happy and in Seoul. Can't wait to read about all your new adventures.
Posted by: Yvonne | Friday, 22 April 2011 at 01:17
Thank you Yvonne! I am also looking forward to all these new adventures that are waiting for us here!
Have a great Easter!
Posted by: Yvonne Stehle | Friday, 22 April 2011 at 08:12
Ja, alles ist angekommen - meinte Kai vor kurzem - und ich freue mich schon auf das Auspacken in zwei Wochen! Ich bin auch total gespannt auf dein neues Haus. Sag hallo zu Pauline, die musste ja ganz besonders viel durchmachen - und zu nicely smelling George natürlich auch. Hugs - diesmal aus Brooklyn, NYC :)
Posted by: Frau Mayer | Sunday, 24 April 2011 at 01:55
Liebe Alina! geniesse Deine Reise noch! Vielen Dank fuers Vorbeischaun!
Posted by: Yvonne Stehle | Wednesday, 27 April 2011 at 00:07