Some news from our room change road test. We nearly managed to rearrange all three new rooms but only Jakob's room is presentable right now. It is a work in progress because we've been pondering on the idea of a forest themed room for a while and I've been even thinking of one of these WOW forest wallpapers like we had back in the 70th or so but that would really have been a bit too much before the move (AND I am not quite sure if I could talk my husband into it...)
So we've been collecting old fruit containers and wine boxes and printer's trays for a while and they keep piling up in our basement to be hung one day in Jakob's room instead of a lot of IKEA shelves. But to be honest: I nearly broke down carrying all this stuff from one room to another during the last two weeks and painting boxes and drilling into walls would have been too much even for me. So we just went with some nailed alternatives (don't you tell my husband the boxes and baskets are just nailed to the wall!!!)
And because I am not a person who easily meets deadlines I forced myself and my luck and strength and invited Jakob's friends over for a housewarming tea. And believe it or not: The room was ready the minute they arrived and I just had to hide nails and hammer behind my back.
We are happy with the results so far and it is a good road test to try it out now and make it better when we will be moving to our new home (whenever that will be)
We neatly arranged his collection of forest critters and books and ephemera.
He got some sweet new nooks to play and work and dream and he never spent so much time in his room before. And the best thing: He is keeping it tidy now! What a change!
And I love to visit him there for a chat or for reading together.
Sometimes I think it is more than perfect to have three children and one can be so selfish to force upon them all the children's rooms one ever wanted for himself...
So yes, it is me who wants this permanent change and loves all the playfulness that come with it. And I read that it is necessary to really change the children's rooms every other year to let them grow and not keep them as toddlers or babies all the time. We've been sorting out toys and books and Jakob kept telling me: "I don't need this any more: it is more for babies!". So he feels it and I am on one side proud and sad on the other for the times that passed. But seeing them grow and flourish makes up for all that.
So, after being that sentimental I am off for another Monday night of politically uncorrect Boston Legal on TV and a Single Malt! And having said that now please tell me your secret TV vices and be honest: What are you watching on TV whilst crafting and what is your drink? Normally it is tea and sweets but on Mondays you will find me with bespoke Single Malt and some pistacchios...
See you soon with more rooms to show and some crafty things
Wishing you well and Cheers!
I haven't commented before and found your blog a while back through hausmaus. This look so great, I just have to come out of the shadows and tell you! I love the forest theme for a child, and the reused boxes, the natural wood tones of all of the bins and baskets. Well done!
Posted by: Ariana | Tuesday, 28 September 2010 at 18:28
Ariana, thank you for stepping out of the shadow and commenting! It brings always so much joy to the day when somebody is out there!
Have yourself a wonderful day!
Posted by: Yvonne Stehle | Tuesday, 28 September 2010 at 19:25
Such a lovely room for a growing boy. We are sleeping in our 6yr old son's room, while we are renovating our own room. When I move him back in, I have all sorts of things planned for his room...It mainly involves storage for all his Lego! Thanks for sharing such a great room.
Posted by: Millie | Wednesday, 29 September 2010 at 00:09
Thank you Millie! The Lego storage is quite a challenge. We are currently having wicker trunks lined with fabric for Lego and Playmobil. So we can shift them around from one room to another or even into the garden if wanted. It made such a difference since we did this. it even does not bother us when it is standing around in the living room area any more. Enjoy your newly decorated room and have fun finding storage solutions for your son!
Posted by: Yvonne Stehle | Wednesday, 29 September 2010 at 01:44
As I've already said, the room totally rocks. All those great little thingies everywhere, there's so much to look at! What a genius, this mother of three :)
Well, crafting. It's one thing I never get to nowadays. The only occasions when I get to sit on the sofa are corrections, corrections, corrections. I wash those down with some healthy green tea (and yes, I do eat Zimtsterne in the evening. Very stupid of me)
Posted by: Frau Mayer | Wednesday, 29 September 2010 at 03:06
Linden flower tea with lemon and honey here today - the Turkish way and some leftover homemade waffles with icing sugar: One second on the lips - a lifetime on the hips!
Hoping for rays of sun and the flood to stop!
Have a nice day Alina!
Posted by: Yvonne Stehle | Wednesday, 29 September 2010 at 06:11
what a lovely room for your little man!
I love a glass of white wine whilst watching the trashiest tv I can find!!
Posted by: aussie gal | Wednesday, 29 September 2010 at 20:50
I especially love the green wall and the dear little desk and chair ...
Posted by: Barbara | Friday, 01 October 2010 at 18:40
This is such a nice post and I really like how sweet his room is and also how he sees that certain things are, "for babies" -- that is so very cute! I like the forest theme, it is so pretty and cozy in his room.
Posted by: decor8 Holly | Thursday, 07 October 2010 at 16:56
Wow what a nice spaceous room! And what a beautifull colour that greyish green, my favorite! Would you please inform me on what colour you did use?
Posted by: Sandra | Wednesday, 13 October 2010 at 16:54
What an adorable blog I've stumbled into! *w*
And what a cute room, I'd love to have something like this myself hehe... XD
Posted by: Metal_Minish | Saturday, 16 October 2010 at 04:53
love this room and everything about it. Can you tell me what color green paint you used?
Posted by: Zoe Schonfeld | Tuesday, 14 February 2012 at 01:47
Hi Zoe! I am sorry! i have no idea how that paint was called. It was a normal paint from a Home Depot store in Germany - nothing fancy!
Posted by: Yvonne Stehle | Thursday, 16 February 2012 at 04:13
great man :D
Posted by: bedroom furniture | Monday, 29 July 2013 at 04:11