Because of family reasons we took a few days off to travel to Lake Constance and see Markus' family. We spent 3 days at his sister's and enjoyed it a lot. The children were happy to see their cousins again and we even had lovely sunny weather all the time. This is a very important issue because the weather in the South is soooo different from that in the North where we are living right now.
How lovely just to enjoy the sun on a bench...
Moritz told me he wants to have a picknick outside with a huge blanket, a lot of yummy things and a candle. How funny that this was also what I was thinking of when I was roaming Soule mama's website and saw the quilt she made. So I will keep myself (ourselves) prepared and when the sun comes out a bit we will head to the forest.
The light is amazing living by the lake. It reminds me of our old appartment in Konstanz where Moritz was born. I took some pictures at Markus' sisters home:
That must be a great place, hope you had a nice break.
Posted by: jacoline (lien) | Tuesday, 11 November 2008 at 16:03
Es ist immer so aufregend zu lesen, wie du vom Bodensee schreibst und ich das Gefühl habe, dass unter den vielen auf dem ganzen Planeten verstreuten BloggerInnen wenigstens manche meine Heimat kennen :) Liebe Grüsse vom österreichischen Teil des Bodensees!
Posted by: Carola | Wednesday, 12 November 2008 at 03:47
shelf covers?? Curious to see those!
Posted by: Nike Air Max | Thursday, 23 August 2012 at 15:20